Thursday, February 20, 2020

Scientific Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Scientific Revolution - Research Paper Example Therefore, the important figures of the development of scientific thinking appear to be the colleagues, who worked on common range of problems and were guided by the same set of rules. The detailed analysis of scientific history and philosophy found an extremely distorted and romanticized picture of the actual situation. It turned out that the history of science was not as straightforward as it had been represented before. Despite the technological successes, the science not necessarily brings us to more accurate description of the reality. The most famous representative of such views was an American physicist and historian of science Thomas Kuhn. The current paper makes an attempt to analyze Copernicus’ discoveries from the position of Kuhn’s theory and his concept of â€Å"scientific revolution†. We will also try to find the gaps in the theory to see if the claim for the universalism of his paradigm is legitimate. Kuhn’s interest in the development of sc ientific theories and scientific revolutions grew out from the consideration of the fundamental differences between social and natural sciences. During his investigations, Kuhn became convinced that, in historical perspective, the development of science is far from smoothness and uniqueness. ... The paradigm is as essential for science in terms of observation and experiment. Allegiance to the certain paradigm is a crucial condition of any serious scientific affair. Science cannot observe and recognize the diversity of a particular phenomenon, because it is not able to conduct all possible experiments and perform all laboratory and clinical tests. In this respect, the scientist has to reduce the studied problem to the working volume. His choice of the set of methodological tools and ideas will be dictated by the system of beliefs of the paradigm he belongs to (Marcum 61). When most of the scientific community accepts a paradigm, it becomes mandatory guide. Once the paradigm is taken, it grows as a powerful catalyst for scientific progress. Kuhn called this stage â€Å"normal science† (Marcum 59). Most of the scientists are engaged in normal science all the time, and that is why this particular part of scientific activity has become a synonymous of science in general. N ormal science is based on the assumption that the scientific community knows what the Universe is. While the existence of the paradigm is taken for granted, only the problems for which the solution can be assumed are considered legitimate. The latter guarantees the quick success of normal science. In such circumstances, the scientific community restraints and suppresses any novelty, because innovations are harmful to the main duty of the community. Paradigm determines the field of solved questions, imposes acceptable methods, and set of standard solutions. Normal science solves the problems, but produces a little new (Marcum 60). At the certain stages of development of science paradigm becomes a conceptual â€Å"straitjacket†

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Overviews Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Overviews - Essay Example According to NHS (2012), it requires the working together of various practitioners so that they can provide the best patient centered care. This involves the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and management of these cases. Typically, the management entails designing, evaluating and implementing the needed interventions to handle both acute and chronic mental health conditions. The national Quality Protects objectives are normally adapted to improve care management and service delivery for adults with mental health problems. In the diagnosis, evaluation, treatment and management of such conditions, it is normally imperative where required to ensure that the patients are attached to the carers who have the capability of providing them with not only safe but also effective care for the duration of the service. As such every aspect of the management should always be designed in a way that ensures the patient always gets services from practitioners who are capable of giving effective servi ces. This at times requires the formation of a multi-disciplinary team to help out in giving the best possible care. Before initial visit it is important to investigate if service user needs help with communication. It is important to keep service user informed about any relevant literature related to service user’s situation. Also to identify service user’s strengths and support network this include inviting other relevant parties to the meeting to identify social and individual strengths. First check information held for accuracy. If the service user satisfies the FACS criteria, then next stage is to explain available to service user and/or carer in order to agree a care plan strategy. It is important to evaluate the of the agreed care plan before implementing to prevent lack of providing needs or identifying risk. Due to the high prevalence of the mental illnesses and disorders, it is normally imperative to carry out an